Cut Your Patient Appointments In Half

Elevate The Patient Experience

Revolutionize patient care with precision medicine

SNP Specialist

Unlock unique opportunities for your practice with SNP Specialist.

Scale your practice with ease and start building passive revenue streams. By embracing our SNP Specialist services, you elevate the patient experience and increase patient outcomes.

  • Scalable Opportunities

  • Passive Revenue Strategies

  • Elevated Patient Experience

  • Stand Out Among Competitors

SNP Specialist

Understanding your genetic code is the key to becoming the best version of yourself. Our Genetic Specialist Program helps you crack your DNA code so we can tailor programming specific to your genetics.

At SNP Specialist, we work to unlock the power of your DNA to help you redefine what's possible in life. Through our concierge genetic counseling, we address the key questions surrounding genetic testing with tangible results. These include:

  • How does understanding my genetic code impact me?

  • What can I expect from the genetic review?

  • Does biohacking really work?

  • What level of detail does a genetic test reveal?

  • What actionable insights does genetic testing provide me?

We Support Our Providers

Allow our genomic counselors to help your patient build a foundational understanding of how their genes, and lifestyle play a role in their health concerns, improving your endgame.

What are the benefits of Offering genetic testing Through SNP Specialist?

  • Eliminate repetitive interpretations

  • Cut appointment times in half (under 30 mins)

  • Get better results, in less time - 65% more compliant

  • Increase in supplement sales (avg. 27%)

  • Increased patient retention

  • Elevated patient experience leading to positive reviews

  • Avenue for new referrals

What are the benefits of Offering genetic testing Through SNP Specialist?

  • Eliminate repetitive interpretations

  • Cut appointment times in half (under 30 mins)

  • Get better results, in less time - 65% more compliant

  • Increase in supplement sales (avg. 27%)

  • Increased patient retention

  • Elevated patient experience leading to positive reviews

  • Avenue for new referrals

"I have seen incredible results by consulting with Brad at SNP Specialist"

Brad is an expert in the field of genetic science! His guidance and wisdom will enrich your practice and patient’s lives. I have seen incredible results by consulting with Brad at SNP Specialist.

I feel privileged to utilize his consulting and expertise on every patient in my practice, because he makes it simple, easy, and empowering. In addition, there is not a question that he does not know the answer to, and he always provides you with a functional based medical solution to any problem.

Thank you, Brad for everything you do for me and my practice! 😊

- Dr. Meg Landis

Elevate the patient experience.

Increase retention.

SNP Specialist provides patients with tangible data and actionable insights. We educate patients prior to meeting with their providers so they are equipped with information to streamline the appointment.

Elevate the patient experience.

Increase retention.

SNP Specialist provides patients with tangible data and actionable insights. We educate patients prior to meeting with their providers so they are equipped with information to streamline the appointment.

The SNP Specialist Process

Elevated experience through genetic education

Personalized Optimization Through Genetic Education

The SNP Specialist Approach

Step 1

Secure your Nutrigenomics Genetic testing.

Click the green button below to get started!

Step 2

Schedule your genetic consoling appointment with a SNP Specialist to review your test results.

Step 3

Your SNP Specialist will help identify recommended treatment programs.

Specific to your genetic code 👍

Step 4

Together, we'll build an action plan for your provider to implement the recommended treatment regiment.

Step 5

Gain access to the recommended products to assist in your treatment protocols

Step 1

Secure your Nutrigenomics Genetic testing.

Click the green button below to get started!

Step 2

Schedule your genetic consoling appointment with a SNP Specialist to review your test results.

Step 3

Your SNP Specialist will help identify recommended treatment programs.

Specific to your genetic code 👍

Step 4

Together, we'll build an action plan for your provider to implement the recommended treatment regiment.

Step 5

Gain access to the recommended products to assist in your treatment protocols

The easiest way to improve The health Of Your business

Save Time

We streamline appointment times by educating patients through a secure Zoom recorded appointment before meeting with their provider.

Patients who consult with a SNP Specialist prior to meeting with their provider reduce, on average, the appointment time by 50%.

Elevate Your Practice

SNP Specialist provides a turnkey solution for providers, streamlining the patient experience through a unique service offering.

Through an elevated patient experience, Partner Providers generated more 5-star reviews and referrals from happy patients.

Increase Your Passive Revenue

We help providers cut appointment times in half, doubling the throughput through your practice.

By offering Nutrigenomics Genetic testing, providers see an increase in patient retention and supplement sales with an average sales lift of 27%.


Book a 1:1 appointment with a SNP Specialist Provider Partner

Elevate your practice to new heights of precision and personalization by offering Nutrigenomics Genetic testing through SNP Specialist. Let us guide you through a program demo to uncover the impact this offering can have on your practice.

Book a 1:1 appointment with a SNP Specialist Provider Partner

Elevate your practice to new heights of precision and personalization by offering Nutrigenomics Genetic testing through SNP Specialist. Let us guide you through a program demo to uncover the impact this offering can have on your practice.

What to Expect from a Nutrigenomics Genetic Test

by NBX Wellness

Our comprehensive Nutrigenomics Genetic Tests breaks down test results into four phases, each with 3 foundational wellness topics, to help the patient systematically integrate their genetic results into recommended treatment protocols.

  • Phase 1: Inflammation, Autophagy, & Neurotransmitters

  • Phase 2: Methylation, Mitochondria, and Detoxification

  • Phase 3: Vitamins & Minerals, Diet & Gastrointestinal, and Men's or Women's Health

  • Phase 4: Long-term Maintenance

About Us

Our team of SNP Specialist are trained to help eliminate repetitive interpretations, saving time in starting treatments recommended to patients by SNP Specialist. By conducting the initial consultation with the patient prior to meeting with their provider, our program allows for easier implementation and an increase in patient outcomes.

Why SNP Specialist

SNP Specialist is proud to interactively explain a comprehensive Nutrigenomics testing and interpretation platform available. Our customized software is specifically designed for medical professionals and allows the provider to validate a patient’s specific nutritional needs, lifestyle recommendations, and health precautions based on the patient’s individual DNA findings.

SNP Specialist uses secure video meeting that is recorded for both the provider and patient. We also provide a written recommended treatment regimen that you can discuss with your healthcare professional.

About Us

Our team of SNP Specialist are trained to help save patients time in starting treatment with their NBX Wellness certified providers. We provide the initial consultation to you, allowing for easier implementation and more meaningful discussion with your physician on the very first visit.

Why SNP Specialist

SNP Specialist is proud to interactively explain the most comprehensive Nutrigenomic testing and interpretation platform available. Our customized software is specifically designed for medical professionals and allows the provider to validate a patient’s specific nutritional needs, lifestyle recommendations, and health precautions based on the patient’s individual DNA findings.

SNP Specialist uses secure video meeting that is recorded for both the provider and patient. We also provide a written recommended treatment regimen that you can discuss with your healthcare professional.

Let's Connect

SNP Specialist: Provider Inquiry

30 Mins

Frequently Asked Questions

A personalized nutrigenomic analysis specific to your genetic code

How do we collaborate to help providers?

Allow our nutrigenomics counselors to assist your patients in developing a foundational understanding of how their genes and lifestyle contribute to their health concerns before they reconnect with you, to determine effective and strategic protocol recommendations.

What services does SNP Specialist offer for providers?

Our turnkey solution simplifies and streamlines your practice. Before the provider meeting, we ensure clients/patients are fully educated via secure video meetings. Our SNP Specialist thoroughly reviews genetic results, considering age, disease state, symptoms, and findings. We delve into the significance of unchanging genes, explaining their impact on biochemical functions.

The SNP Specialist provides detailed insights into genetic pathways, biochemistry, and research. They offer specific recommendations on dosage, timing, and titration of treatment regimens. The entire process is recorded and shared via Zoom, enabling patients to review it multiple times and be well-prepared for their consultations. This recording also serves as valuable training material for providers, ensuring transparency throughout the process.

What kind of patients do you work with?

We work with all kinds of patients, ranging from top-level athletes looking for performance optimization, clients/patients that are interested in anti-aging protocols, and people who have autoimmune, spectrum, and neurological disorders.

How do I place orders for my patients interested in Nutrigenomics Genetic testing?

We will provide access to your exclusive NBX Wellness Pro account. Within the account, you will have the capability to select Products (Nutrigenomics Genetic Test) and proceed with ordering testing, which will be efficiently drop-shipped to your clients, ensuring a streamlined process.

How does this service benefit my practice?

Our ancillary programs are designed to alleviate the burden of lengthy and expensive 1:1 interpretations for health providers. By utilizing these programs, you can focus on what you do best: serving your patients. The outcomes of this approach include improved value in your interactions with patients, as well as patients who are more educated about their health conditions. Additionally, it leads to greater patient compliance with treatment plans and a better understanding of the root causes behind their health issues.

What kind of patients do you work with?

Cash-paid practices that want long-term results for their patients and more referrals.

What does this process look like? Click the link here to learn more: 

Is knowing the status of a patient’s genetics really that important for effective treatment

 Absolutely! Understanding the patient's genetics is crucial for providing effective treatment. Genes play a significant role in how individuals respond to medications, metabolize nutrients, and even their susceptibility to certain diseases. By knowing a patient's genetic makeup, healthcare providers can tailor treatments such as nutraceuticals, or medications to suit their unique needs. This personalized approach increases the likelihood of successful outcomes, minimizes adverse reactions, and optimizes the overall effectiveness of the treatment plan. Therefore, integrating genetic information into patient care can significantly enhance the quality and precision of medical interventions.

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